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- How Merrill Lynch miraculously avoided the fate of Lehman Brothers. - By Henry Blodget - Slate Magazine2008-09-16 13:28:31
- Amazon Green Scene's Blog: The Greening of Wade III: Hot Non-Profit Action (Part 1) Permalink2008-09-16 13:29:09
- Did evolution come before life? - life - 15 September 2008 - New Scientist2008-09-16 13:31:15
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- Amazon.com: The Atlas of the Real World: Daniel Dorling, Mark Newman, Anna Barford: Books2008-09-16 13:37:35
- Google Maps Mania: Goodies for the Google Flash Maps API2008-09-16 13:39:44
- Google LatLong: The aftermath of Hurricane Ike2008-09-16 13:40:27
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- Hot, flat, and badly reviewed | Gristmill: The environmental news blog | Grist2008-09-16 17:51:32
- Weather History Recorded at Mohonk House Offers Insight Into Global Warming - NYTimes.com2008-09-16 17:52:07
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- How Washington Failed to Rein In Fannie, Freddie - washingtonpost.com2008-09-16 18:03:17
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- Wisdom of the Crowds Isn’t the Answer for Everything - Mashable2008-09-16 20:17:20
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